

1. 问候
    a. good morning / afternoon / evening. hello / hi!
    b. how are you?
    c. fine, thank you. and you? / very well, thank you.
2. 介绍
    a. this is mr. / miss  / mrs. …
    b. how do you do? nice  / glad to see / meet you.
    c. my name is… i'm a student /  worker, etc. ( here).
3. 告别
    a. i think it's time for us to leave now.
    b. goodbye! (bye-bye! bye!)see you later / tomorrow.
4. 打电话[z|xx|k.com]
    a. hello! may i speak to…?[ ]
    b. hold on, please. he / she isn't here right now. can i take a message for you?
    c. i'm calling to tell / ask you… goodbye.
5. 感谢和 阅读全文
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