
2020届高考英语Unit 5精讲复习教案

XX届高考英语unit 5精讲复习教案
unit 5 nelson mandela—a modern hero
1.the school used advanced teaching methods to________(教育) the students.
答案: educate
2.in my________(看法),many teenagers depend too much on their parents.
答案: opinion
3.anyone that provides valuable information for the police will be________(奖赏).
答案: rewarded
4.his sister ran away from home and went abroad because of family________(暴力).
答案: violence
5.this kind of washing powder is of good________(质量),and doesn’t harm our hands.
答案: quality
6.the boss was________(抨击) by the newspapers for not caring for the workers.
答案: attacked
7.—do you know when the people’s republic of china was________(成立)?
—on october 1,1949.
答案: founded
8.yesterday we________(选举) mr li the best teacher in our school.
答案: voted
9.though he________(逃跑) from the big fire,his

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