
Under the sea Period 4 Grammar

period 4 grammarteaching aims     1.students will be able to recognize the -ing/being done forms and know the exact meanings of them.2.students will be able to use these two forms correctly.teaching procedures     step 1 revision ask students to answer the following questions without referring to the textbook.1.what did clancy witness when he ran down to the shore?2.why did clancy run in a hurry?3.what did old tom do when they headed into the bay?4.what did old tom do after george beat the water?5.what did clancy witness when they drew near?suggested answers:1.he saw a whale throwing itself out of the water and then crashing_down again.2.because clancy had already heard that george didn't like being_kept_waiting.3.they could see old tom swimming by the boat,showing them the way.4.tom cir 阅读全文
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