

越狱             escape from prison
解决问题      solve the problem
回答问题      answer the question
遵守诺言      keep one's promise
答应,许下诺言   make a promise
以…自豪      be proud of
养家糊口      provide food and clothes for one's family
公共事务      public affairs
舆论             publicopinion
当众,公开     in public
出版社         publishing house
故意地         on purpose
把…推到一边    push aside
推倒,(风)刮倒  push over
拖延,推迟     put off
不可能         out of the question
接力赛         a relay race
通过无线电广播   on the radio
衣衫褴褛,穿破衣服 in rags
在火车站      atthe railway station
小(大)雨     light/ heavy rain
一线希望      a ray of hope
伸手去拿      reach for sth.
够不着         out of ones' reach
乐意干某事     be ready to do
事实上         in reality
实现希望      real 阅读全文
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