
Unit 10 American literature

         unit 10  american literature
i. 单元教学目标
技能目标skill goals
▲talk about american literature
▲practise predicting and describing what a story might be about
▲review all the verb tenses
▲write a book review
ii. 目标语言
功  能  句  式 predict and describe what a novel with a certain theme might be about.
what would be an interesting story?  
what would be an exciting plot?
what characters would likely appear in it?
what would the characters be like?
where and when would the story take place?
would you like to read a short story or a novel?
do you want to read for pleasure or for school?
词 汇 1. 四会词汇
garbage, maid, prince, outcome, penny, grocery, bakery, weep, furnish, shabby, mailbox, bell, rag, rare, garment, worn, carpet, barber

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