
人教版高中英语必修5教案Unit 4 Making the news

unit 4 making the news一. 教学目标 (teaching aims) 1. 能力目标 (ability aim)enable the ss to recognize the variety of jobs there are in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office.enable the ss to know what is needed to become a reporter and how to conduct an interview. 2.. 语言目标 (language aim) 重点词汇和短语  occupation, update, submit, cover, concentrate on, inform, publish, polish, approve, acquire, accuse…of, so as to, scoop, deadline, depend on, ahead of, assess, demand, process 重点句子1)      never will zhou yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular english newspaper.2)      you’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested .3 阅读全文
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