

1.candle n. 蜡烛
candle light 烛光
birthday candle 生日蜡烛
blow out a candle 吹灭蜡烛
light a candle 点燃一根蜡烛
2.carry v. 运送,搬运
例如:he was carry a box on his shoulder. 他肩上扛着个箱子。
carry on 继续进行(尤指中断之后)
carry through 进行到底,完成
carry out 执行;实现
例如:you should carry out the plan at once.你们必须立即实施计划。
he carried through the work in a month.这项工作他一个月就完成了。
carrier n. 运送者;搬运工具
3.carve v. 雕刻;切开
例如:the figure of the dog is carved from a piece of wood. 这只狗是用木头雕刻成的。
carve sth. into ... 把……雕刻成……
例如:he carved the stone into the figure of a man.他把石头雕刻成人的形状。
carve ... from/out sth. 从……中雕刻出……
例如:the statue was carved from/out stone. 这座雕像是用石头雕刻的。
carve sb. sth. = carve sth. for sb. 为某人雕刻某物
例如:jack carved me a dog. = jack carved a dog for me.杰克为我雕了只狗。
4.cast v. 抛,投掷
例如:the fisherman cast his net into the sea. 渔夫将渔网撒进了大海。
cast off 丢弃

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