
Under the sea Period 5 Using Language:Reading,Discussing and Writing

period 5 using language:reading,discussing and writingteaching aims     1.learn to pronounce the names of sea creatures mentioned in the text correctly.2.learn to describe the creatures mentioned in the text properly according to the pictures with the expressions like:...+looking,...+shaped,...+spotted,...+like,...+striped.3.learn to use the adjectives in the correct order to describe the pictures prepared by the teacher.4.learn to use proper expressions to convey their exact feelings in their past experiences.teaching procedures     step 1 warming up and lead-in

教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!">first,show students the picture above and ask them some questions as a revision:where are they?what are they doing?why do they go snorkelling?next,draw a conclusion and lead into the text:as the sea is a worl

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