
2019届高考英语选修8 Unit 2顶尖复习教案

XX届高考英语选修8 unit 2顶尖复习教案
unit 2 cloning 克隆
1.the chemicals that are harmful to the environment are ____________(禁止)here.
2.christmas____________(装饰品)now have started to sell well in our shop.
3.she fell heavily,____________(撞)her head against the side of the boat.
4.she ____________(喜爱,爱慕)her grandchildren and is always buying them presents.
5.before rules and____________(规则)were introduced,the sport was very dangerous.
6.it’s not ____________(仅)a matter of cost,but whether she’s old enough to go on holiday alone.
7.i am sure she has the ability to____________(承担)all kinds of housework.
8.i thought the price of the car was quite____________(合理的),so i decided to buy it.
9.用object 的适当形式填空
(1)grey decided to move to the countryside and his wife made no ____________ to it.
(2)some members of the comm 阅读全文
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