
2019年高考英语难点37讲--难点33 一致现象不可忽视

XX年高考英语难点37讲--难点33 一致现象不可忽视
1.()last week my parents and i took a two-day trip to emei mountain in sichuan. the three of them were very excited.         79. ________ (nmetXX)
2.()i used to love science class—all of them—biology, chemistry, geography, physics.              86. ________(XX春季)
3.()but then there is always more mysteries to look into.
92. ________ (nmet XX春季)
4.()now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.
94. ________ (nmetXX)
5.()i am happy with any programme but the others spent a lot of time arguing…
92. ________(nmet1999)
1.i’d like very much to come but i had an examination on monday morning.
(nmet XX春季)
解析:此题为五星级题。考查时态一致。had 改为have。动词的时态要与上下文的时态保持一致。根据全

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