

(精品推荐)XX届高考二轮复习英语学案--专题十五 情景交际
【典例精析】1.(XX年全国卷i,22) —what fruit is in season now?
—grapes and peaches, ______.
a. i know    b. i think   c. i see       d. i feel
2.(XX年安徽卷,34)———good evening. huangshan hotel.
   —————good evening. ________?
a. do you still have a room for tonight b. what would you like, please
c. is there anything i can do for you  d. who is that speaking, please
3.(XX年四川卷,5)——— let’s go for a walk in the garden.
  ——— _______, but i need to do the washing—up.
  a. no,thank you  b. that’s right   c. good idea    d. not at all
4.(09福建)–bruce, i really appreciate your handwriting.
- ____________.
a. i practice every day  &nbs

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备战2019届高考英语(通用版)一轮复习专题01 定语从句