
Lesson 2

Step 1 Revision

Greet the class. Ask What's the date today?

Help the Ss to answer, e. g. It's September 2nd, 1996. Keep doing this in every lesson from now on.

Revise the names of objects by playing the What's in my bay? game. Collect a number of familiar items, discuss their colour, weight, size, etc. with the Ss and put the items in a bag. Then get the Ss to describe the items in the bag one by one.

Revise I'm sorry, it's broken and It doesn't matter and practise dialogues with the Ss using the items.

Step 2 Presentation

Write on the board: Lesson Two, the second lesson.

Say Today let's learn -the second lesson. Repeat the word second.

Teach long and short by showing the class two rulers, or pieces of wood. Say This ruler is long. This one is short. Ss listen and repeat. Ask Is this ruler

英语教案-unit 3 shopping