
Module10 Unit2 Point to her nose教学设计

课时教学设计 课  题

module10 unit2 point to her nose. 教案序号 29 授课时间 XX年  12  月  15日 课 型 new 教学目标

1、pupils are able to learn the new words:eyes、ears、nose、mouth

2、pupils are able to describe the parts of the body:point to...

3、the difference between his and her.: 教学重点难点

.key point: the parts of the body.

difficult point: the difference between his and her. 教学准备 card .pictures .tapes . radio   板  书  设  计

module10 unit2 point to her nose.

point to his/her/my_______    

教学过程 step1  greeting     step2  warm-up     歌曲《hello!hello!》     step3  lead-in     出示一男一女两张图片(脸部暂时不贴五官)     看嘴型,猜单词,猜对的身体部位词贴在黑板上,最后成“一男孩”人型,出示女孩图,让学生明白her 和 his 的意思并进行教学。     step4  prensentation     (一)脸部五官     1.贴五官进行教学(eye, nose, mouth, ear)     全班读——小组读——个人

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