
Unit 6 at the zoo(1)

unit 6 at the zoo(1)教学目标和要求:learn the sentences of part a教学重点:the new sentences教学难点:the new sentences教学用具:tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:step1:    revisionstep2: learn the new sentences1、look at the pictures 2、listen to the tape 3、read the sentences after the tape 4、read the sentences5、learn the new sentencesstep3:    let’s play1、look at the sentences2、read the sentencesstep4:do the exercisesstep5:summary and homework板书设计:              unit 6 at the zoo (1)small big long short 作业布置:1.      listen to the tape 2.      read the sentences 阅读全文
三年级上册Happy birthday学案
Unit 6 at the zoo (4)