
Unit 2: What do you want to do?

unit 2:  what do you want to do?
warm up
1. greetings
2. free talk
new teaching:
activity 1: look at the menu. then ask your food and pay for your food.
1. show a restaurant menu to the students.
2. have them look at the menu and talk with their partners.
3. do the activity in their groups.
4. have one group come to the front.
activity 2: match (race)
you’ll be the winner of this week if you get the flag.
activity 3: listen, say and sing
1. have the students look at their books and try to read the sentences of song.
2. read after the teacher and to know the meaning.
3. listen to tape twice.
4. sing follow it.
5. sing and do the actions.
game: the big dinner
1. put some food on the desk.
2. say out the 阅读全文
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