
It’s too

课题  unit three it’s too       expensive课型复习前进课时6课时教学过程重点难点双基目标1 learn the words: thirty forty fifty sixtytie shirt dress clothes cheap …2 say the basic sentences: do you have sweaters? yes, we do. yes, we have some.what size do you want?… 能力目标购物交际用语:do you have any ________?yes, we do. we have some.no, we don’t. we don’t have any.道德情感目标能够在实际中简单的运用购物交际用语。      教具tape recorder, v.c.rvcd学具word cards教学过程一、        getting the students ready for class.二、        greeting:1.               good morning, boys and girls.2.               ha 阅读全文
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