
How many classes do you have教案

课题    lesson 15需用时间1 class hour 教学目的1. to learn the new words.2. to learn the new dialogue.3. let’s make and talk. 教学重点the new words教学难点the sentences 教学关键the new dialogue教具准备tape-recorder, cards 教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等)step 1 revision1.    review the numbers. count the numbers from 1 to 50 one by one.2.    ask a question: what classes do we have today? get the pupils to answer the question.step 2 the new lesson1. the pupils can say something like: english, maths, chinese,ect. so the teacher show the word cards to learn the new words one by one . and get the pupils to read them loudly.2. the teacher point to the schedule to practice the sentences.what class do we have on monday/tuesday/wednesday… . get the class to sa 阅读全文
新标准四年级第四册module9 unit1Module9 Unit1 I helped Mum导学案
PEP第三册Unit6 PB Let’s learn 教学设计