
UNIT 1 I’m making Daming’s birthday card.

unit 1 i’m making daming’s birthday card.
teaching objectives:
knowledge aim:
1、 words: cards, careful, balloon, fly away.
2、 sentences: who can help me? sorry, i can’t. yes, i can help you. i’m making daming’s birthday card.
ability aim: 培养学生运用英语的能力,把所学知识应用到生活中。
moral aim: 培养学生乐于助人的好习惯。
teaching tools: tape recorder, pictures.
teaching procedures:
一、 warmer
1、 greetings
2、 say a chant: the sun is shining on the sea.
3、 free talk :
t: i’m singing. what are you doing?
ss: i’m … (one by one)
二、 leading
t: very good!(教师提一个大箱子)t: “i can’t carry it. who can help me?”
ss: i can help you. /yes, i can help you. / sorry, i can’t. (引导).
t: now, today we’ll learn “module4 unit1”.(板书课题)。
三、 text teaching
1、 t: show the pictures on the blackboard. play the tape and have the 阅读全文
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