
Unit 4 Use your five senses!Look and act

unit 4 use your five senses!look and act
教学目标 知识与技能:using the simple present tense to express simple truths
e.g. i smell with my nose.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
identify main ideas.
             produce simple phrases and sentences.
             locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.
教学重点和难点 using the simple present tense to express simple truths
e.g. i smell with my nose.

教学媒体 a few sweets, a lemon, etc

课前学生准备 english book  some cakes   an orange and so on
教学流程 pre-task preparation
1.daily talk
2. review each of the five senses with the students,

pep小学英语第六册 第三单元 第一课时
牛津5A M1 Unit 2 This is what I want教案