
五年级上Module2 Unit1 What did you buy?导学案外研版

五年级上module2 unit1 what did you buy?导学案外研版
module2 unit1  what did you buy?
一、 教材分析:  analysis  of  this  lesson
1、教学内容(teaching contents )
本课的教学内容为外语教学与研究出版社的三年级起点《新标准英语》第五册的module2 unit1  what did you buy?
2、教学重点(teaching  points)
words:can  food  need cheese  how much
3、教学难点(teaching  difficults)
sentence: what did you buy?
二、 教学目标 teaching  aims
1、知识目标(knowledge  aim)
listen and say:shopping food  need cheese
listen and understand: what did you buy?
2、能力目标(ability  aim)
listen and understand: what did you buy?
3、情感目标(emotion  aim)
三、 教学过程teaching  procedures
step 1:listen to a song:
  sing a song:mary hand a little lamb.
step 2:free talks:
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pep小学英语第六册 第三单元 第一课时
牛津5A M1 Unit 2 This is what I want教案