
Unit 2 Don’t put your feet on the seat.

unit  2  don’t put your feet on the seat.
teaching content:
part b
teaching aims:
1.tell the children don't eat too much sugar.
2.can listen and say the new words of part b:a cup of tea, café rubbish, bin , sugar, tea, wait,  spill, seat
3.can make some sentences with don’t…

teaching emphasis and difficulties:
1 .a cup of tea, café rubbish, bin , sugar, tea, wait,  spill, seat
2. can make some sentences with don’t…

teaching aids :
pictures , cards, recorder, tape .

teaching methods:
1.direct method.
2.audio-lingual method.

teaching procedures:
step 1 lead in
1.greetings .
2.warm up:
sing some english songs .
review unit 1.

step 2 presentation
1.show the pictures of part b and learn the following new words : a cup of tea, café rubbish, bin , sugar, tea, wait,  spill, seat.
2. s

pep小学英语第六册 第三单元 第一课时
牛津5A M1 Unit 2 This is what I want教案