
Unit 11 At the weekend教案

 unit 11  at the weekend教案
content: unit11  reading
teaching aims and demands:
1.   be able to understand the passage and get the information。
2.   be able to tell or write one’s day.
3.  to help the ss plan their weekends to do more meaningful things instead of sleeping, playing games or watching tv.
key points:
1.   be able to understand the passage and get the information。
2.   be able to tell or write one’s day.
difficult points:
be able to tell or write one’s day.
teaching aids:
a tape recorder, some pictures
teaching methods:
task-based teaching approach
cooperative learning approach
teaching procedures:

stepⅰ presentation
1 check the homework.
2 revise lily’s family at the weekends orally.
3(1) say lily’s family enjoy their

Unit 1 Making friends
Lesson 4 Meeting my family
Unit 2 Our animal friends