
九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

九年级英语下册 unit2--unit4教学案3

②we go to visit our grandparents every other year.
2)crowd, 动词,意为“拥挤”“聚集”。如:
①many students crowded in the front of the classroom. 许多学生挤在教室的前面。
crowd round意为“围着”,而不是“挤”的意思。如:
②don’t crowd round him.别围着他。
crowded 形容词,意为“密集的”“挤得满满的”。常用结构为be crowded p>

9b  unit 4  great people
welcome to the unit


step 1  warm-up activitieswww.xkb1.com

1 read the conversation between eddie and hobo. check understanding of ‘invent’

2 introduce the idea of  famous people.

3.ask two more able students to role-play the conversation.

step 2 presentation
1 ask more able students,
2  ask students to look at part a (p53)and explain that they are famous people  .
 and then get students to write the correct words under the picture

3 go around th

Unit 10 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
九年级英语Garage Sale教案1
I’ll help clean up the city parks