
2020九年级英语上Unit 4 grammar focus(人教新目标)

unit 4 grammar focus  class typegrammarobjectives1.     to learn the expression of “used to”.2.     to better understand and express the sentences with “used to”.

key structure1. i used to be short.2. she didn’t use to like tests.3. you used to be short, didn’t you?/ did he use to wear glasses?—   yes, he did. / no, he didn’t.difficultieshow to well express and use the structure “used to” in practice.


procedurelead-inenjoy a song: i wonder.step 1read the sentences with “used to be” underlined.step 2explanations about “used to + 动词原形”.step 3the negative forms and questioned forms of “used to do”, and some examples about “used to do”.step 4explain the disjunctive question with some examples.step 5show ss some comparisons pictures a

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