

  九年级下册    moudle 9--10

1. w__________(无论何处) you go in the world , i will wait for you here .
2.how much p____________(进步 ) in english do you think you have made this year ?
3i think i’ve a___________(完成、达到) a lot, and i am proud of what i have learnt.
4.learning a foreign language r__________(需要)a certain e_________(努力)
5.we o_________( 归功于) our good grades to the suggestions you have made
6.you have hung international flags from the floor to the c__________(天花板)
7. do you i__________(想、企图)to stay in china for long .
8. let’s f__________( 去拿来) something to eat .
9. let’s r__________(举起)our glasses. here’s to our friendship .
10. please f__________(原谅)me if i make any mistake.
11. what i’ve learnt is the i____________(重要性) of friendship .
12. somet

Unit 10 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
九年级英语Garage Sale教案1
I’ll help clean up the city parks