
Chapter 4 What should I do?

1. words and expressions:
a.learn how to use 15 words:
 behavior    advise    hurt    error    violent    carriage    unhelpful    hair
 rent    behave    housing    education    medical    conclusion    persuade
b. learn to use the following phrases
1.by mistake 错误地
2.by accident偶然地,意外地
3.at play在玩耍
4.draw a conclusion得出结论
5.violent behavior暴力行为
6.knock over…把…撞倒
7.advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做
8.if necessary如有必要的话
9.be busy doing忙于做…
10.continue doing继续做…
11. persuade sb. to do 劝告某人做
12. none of one’s business不关某人事
13. behave oneself 表现举止规矩
14. bully sb.欺负某人
15. an extra 20-yuan note额外的20元钞票
16. qu

Unit 10 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
九年级英语Garage Sale教案1
I’ll help clean up the city parks