
Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm.

unit 11 i’ve broken my arm.
1 充分认识身体的各位
2 让学生谈论事故和健康问题。
词汇 broken  injury  first aim  knee  bandage  allergy   forehead  sunburned
 bitten  attack  eyesight 
1 what’s the matter?
2 how did you do that? i feel off my bike.
 3 what happened to you?

  1. my grandmother fainted suddenly. i called for an a___________ at once.
  2. the baby c_________ on some rice. he couldn’t breathe. it’s very dangerous.
  3. he has a weak e_____________. he can’t see the blackboard clearly.
  4. he got lost in the forest. but his will to s__________ saved him.
  5. his father had an a__________ yesterday. he is now in hospital.
  6. if you cut your finger, you can clean it and put a ___________

Unit 10 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
九年级英语Garage Sale教案1
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