
中考英语复习学案(Starter3)Starter Unit 3 Good friends

中考英语复习学案(starter3)starter unit 3 good friends
1.问颜色:what color i s…? it is +颜色  what color are …? they are + 颜色
2.问是谁的:whose is /are…? they are + 某人的
            whose ….is this/are these?
3.here is your coat . 这是你的外套(her e is /are …)
4. here it is .它在这。 (比较4和5)
5. under the bed 在床下  6. do you have a camera ? 你有相机吗?
7. have /  has 用法:i /we/they /you have …  she /he /it has…
 model:1) i have a toy car .( do you have a toy car? yes , i do . no , i don’t )
2)the boy has many books . (does the boy have many books? yes, he does .no he doesn’t ) 否定句:______________________________________.
备注:写出1)和2) 的反义疑问句:1)_____________? 2)_____________?
8. a model plane 一个飞机

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