

module 1

step 1

1. write down the housework that was done by you last weekend in the chart.

2. interview your classmates in groups and make a list of the housework that was done by themselves.


housework that was done

the dishes were cleaned. our dinner was cooked …


① what kind of housework was done by you last weekend?

② my clothes/uniforms were washed.

③ ... was cleaned by myself.

3. ask some students to share their survey results. 把学生的调查结果放在展示台上,用投影仪投到屏幕上,小组代表说出成员上个周末做的家务。

4. t: who was the most tired and hard-working student last weekend? cheers for him/her!

he/she is so helpful to parents. it's better for you to help your parents, class.

they often do more housework than you every day.

step 2

1. read the new words from “invent” to “slipper” fluently until they remember them a

Unit 10 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
九年级英语Garage Sale教案1
I’ll help clean up the city parks