
Unit 2 It must belong to Carla.

unit 2 it must belong to carla.
i  目标提示
1. 语言目标
1. 掌握情态动词must, might, could, can’t的用法
2. 学会谈论自己的推理,能灵活运用以下句型和词汇:
     whose book is it?  it must be tom’s. it has his name on it.
     whose ruler is it?  it could / might be jim’s. he has a blue one.
     whose hair band is it?  it can’t belong to mary. mary has short hair.
      belong to, much too, anxious, because of…,  ……       2. 认知目标
掌握must, might, could, can’t的用法,理解之后通过练习和运用加以巩固。
3. 情感目标
4.teaching steps.
step1.learn the new words:from“belong”to “oxford university”. this activity introduces the key vocabulary.
write the key vocabulary words on the blackboard.
say the w 阅读全文
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