
Chapter 6 Food for thought 教案

chapter 6 food for thought
1. increase  vt. & vi. 增 加, 增大, 增多( 指“形状、大小、数量、程度等的增大”) 
n. 增加, 增大, 增多
e.g. her family increased.她家的人口增加了
increase in population made emigration necessar y.人口的增加使向外移民成为必要。
   习惯用语:increase with 随...而增长
同义词:rise, go up
   反义词:decrease  (强调数目的逐渐减少。)reduce 可以表示尺寸、数量、程度或强度的减少,词义引伸之后,可以表示地位、处境、状况的降低。
   e.g. the workmen want to decrease the number of working hours and increase pay.
he won' t reduce the rent of our house. 他不肯减少我们住房的租金。
2. bit  n.少量, 少许, 小片, 小块
e.g. there's been a bit of trouble at the office. 办公室里出了点儿麻烦事。
the floor is covered in bits of paper.     板上全都是碎纸片。
习惯用语:bit by bit  一点儿一点儿地, 逐渐地
e.g. as the mist cleared, the house came into sight bit by bit.
随着雾散天晴, 房舍逐渐呈现在眼前 阅读全文
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