
九年级英语Lesson 41 After an Accidents教案

九年级英语lesson 41  after an accidents教案
teaching content:
mastery words and expressions: accident, refuse
oral words and expressions: acting, victim, pretend, warning, reporter
teaching aims:
learn about avoid accidents.
grasp how to give out warning.
teaching important points:
talk about accidents.
teaching difficult points:
giving warnings and express fear.
teaching pictures: pictures
teaching aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures
type of lesson: new lesson
teaching procedure:
step1.come to “think about it”.
the teacher asks the students the following questions:
have you ever seen an accident? what happened? did you help?
what should you do if you see an accident happen?
when the students are discussing, the teacher write some new words about the accidents on the blackboard. such as: cra 阅读全文
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