
8A Unit1-2重点词组、句型及语法复习提纲

8a unit1 重点词组,句型及语法复习一.词组和短语序号chineseenglish1一个诚实的男孩an honest boy2一个八年级的学生a grade 8 student3一次写作比赛a writing competition4一则……的广告an advertisement for5保密keep secrets6使我开心make me happy7分享我的快乐share my joy8遇到麻烦be in trouble9和我一样苗条as slim as me10一个我最好的朋友one of my best friends11对……慷慨be generous to 12乐意做某事be willing/ ready to do 13给需要的人让座give seats to people in need14环游世界travel around the world15使他看起来聪明make him look smart16感到无聊feel bored17讲滑稽的笑话tell funny jokes18走过课桌walk past the desk19撞翻我的书knock over my books20想起我的好朋友think of my good friends21看一则广告read an advertisement22一位忠实的朋友an honest friend23及肩的头发shoulder-length hair24做大量的电脑工作do much computer work25投票赞成某人vote for sb.26帮助有需要的人help people in need27课外活动after-school activities28尽力帮助他们try to help them29一名社会工作者a social worker30未来计划future plans31看起来爱

Unit 10 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.
九年级英语Garage Sale教案1
I’ll help clean up the city parks