
高一英语上册Units 13- 14单元专题复习教案

高一英语上册units 13- 14单元专题复习教案
units 13- 14
study aim: grasp the following words and sentence structure and remember how to use them.
study guide: read the new words and fill in the blanks in about 20 minutes.
1. fit  adj. 健康的,合适的  v. 适合
  be fit for    be fit to do
  proper exercise every day keeps us fit.
  is he fit for the job?   the weather is not fit to go out.
  this pair of shoes doesn’t fit me.     这双鞋我穿不合脚。
fit 多指衣服尺寸、大小合适,suit 指(发式,衣服款式等)相配;适合(职业;年龄等)
练习:this coat doesn’t ___________me----it’s so big. 这件上衣不适合我穿----太大了。
       the new dress ____________ her very well. 那套新服装和她很相配。
 although the shirt _____ me well, the colour doesn’t _____me. so i don’t want to buy it.
  a. fits; fit fo 阅读全文
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