
Art and architecture(The Third Period)

the third period
teaching aims:
1. review the useful words learned in the last two periods.
2. learn and master the sentence pattern:
  a is to b what c is to d
3. master the past participle used as object complement.
teaching important points:
1. the sentence pattern:
  a is to b what c is to d
2. the past participle used as object complement.
teaching difficult points:
1. how to help ss to master the important sentence pattern.2. help the students master the past participle as object complement better.
teaching methods.
1. review method to consolidate the useful words learned in the last two periods.
2. explanation and inductive methods to help the students master the past participle
   used as object complement.
3. practice to master the sentence pattern:
  a is to b what c is

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