
Unit3 Looking good,feeling good-word power学案

i. teaching aims.try to remember the main words, phrases and sentences.pay attention to the usages of some language points.ii. teaching yourselves.          main words:i. write the following words without looking at your textbook.  1.skinny adj.极瘦的, 皮包骨的/ thin2.sportsman n.运动员/ athlete/ player3.achievement n.成就; 成绩; 功绩          4.post n.柱, 杆; (在网上发布的)帖子ii. use your head and fill in the forms as possible as you can.lift vt. & vi.举起, 抬起; 终止; 解除n.电梯, 升降机; 免费搭车; 搭便车elevatorlift up 举起, 提起give sb. a lift 让某人搭车; 帮某人一把lift a ban  解除禁令consider vt. & vi.考虑vt.把…看作, 认为关心, 体谅, 顾及considered adj.经过仔细考虑的, 经过深思熟虑的consideration n.考虑, 思考; 顾虑; (为别人)着想; 体谅considerate adj.体贴的, 体谅的considerable adj.相当大(或多)

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