
Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note-Speaking教案

    make a dialogue for act two, scene 2 using all of the following information: henry tells a clerk that he wants a coat for a suit. the clerk shows him a cheap coat downstairs. henry doubts if he should take it. the clerk persuades him to buy it. henry agrees, but explains that he can’t pay him right now, as he has no small change. in your dialogue, include expressions on shopping. practice your dialogue and then share it with another pair. and we’ll see which is the most appropriate for the play.suggested scene    the dialogue takes place at a tailor’s shop. (o=owner; c=clerk; h=henry)o: there’s a customer, todd. will you     serve him? c: i don’t know why he’s in a tailor’s      shop. just look at his clothes!o: no matte

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