
Going places教案

the fifth period  grammarteaching goals1. target language⑴. review the words learned in the last two periods.⑵. learn and master the present continuous tense for future actions communication: do you know the ways of doing things in the past? can you imagine the ways in the future?2. abilities: enable ss to understand the grammar.teaching key points: learn the present continuous tense for plans in the near future. teaching methods: discussing or cooperative learning. teaching aids: a multi-media room teaching procedures: stepⅰ. lead-instepⅱ. warming-up (多媒体展示multi-media slides show) stepⅲ. speaking     team work /group work.stepⅳ. language points   1. my brother bob is going with me to the airport.2. my plane leaves at seven.3. i think we’ll take a taxi.

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