
Unit4 Earthquakes

unit4 earthquakes
the first period leading in, warming up
& pre-reading
by liu xiaohua from hongling middle school

一、 教学目标(teaching aims)
student’s book
1. 能力目标(ability aim)
a . let the students know something about the earthquakes.
b . enable the students to talk about what they should do in a disaster for themselves
2. 语言目标(language aim)
a. words and expressions
imagine, shake, right away
b. important sentence
what do you think may happen before an earthquake?
二、 教学重难点(teaching important points)
let the students know what a correct attitude towards a disaster is and what they should do in a disaster for themselves and for the other people.
三、 教学方法 (teaching method)
a. discussing
b. talking
c. activities.
四、 教具准备 (teaching aids)
multi-media computer
五、 教学步骤 (teaching procedure)


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