

unit 18
1. get a patent for 得到…专利权 patent office 专利局 a patent office专利权
hold a patent on对…拥有专利权
2. allow for 顾及/为…做好准备 allow doing sth 允许做某事 allow sb to sth 允许某人做某事
the problem allows of only one solution 容许/ 得 has everything allowed for in your plan 考虑到
make / let / have sb do sth 使某人做某事 get / cause / force sb to do sth使某人做某事
3. get stuck 遇到困难 / 陷进去 get about 传开/走动 get in with 巴结 get rid of 除掉 get at了解/查明
get sb down 使…失望 get through 完成 get through to 弄明白房价 get together 聚会房价
4. break away from 摆脱 / 脱离 break down 打破 / 坏掉 / 分解 break into / in pieces 成为碎片房价
break in 打断 break into = burst into 破门而入 burst into a laugh 哄堂大笑 break off 折断 / 中断
break out 爆发 break through 突围 break up 破裂 / 拆开 break with 戒除房价
5. in connection with 与…有关系/关于房价
6. be aware of 知道 / 意识到 be afraid of 害怕 be short of 缺乏 be sure

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