

unit 9 technology
teaching aims and demands
words and phrases
item agreement disagreement disagree absolutely depend press throughout add remind appointment behavior obey dare case whatever according unexpected particular negative interview department electricity defeat force succeed break down stay in touch with in case of call for according to take over teenager image latest calendar clone planet wonder peaceful skip
spoken english:
agreement and disagreement:
that’s exactly what i was thinking.
that’s a good point.
that’s just how i see it.
that’s worth thinking about.
i disagree. /well, yes, but …
i’m afraid i don’t agree.
you can’t be serious.
i would have to disagree with that.
i would have to disagree with that.
well, i am not so sure about that.
the present con

高一英语English around the world教案(reading-2)
Unit4 Astronomy:the science of the stars-Vocabulary and Useful Expressions
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