
2020届高考英语选修6 Unit 5顶尖复习教案

XX届高考英语选修6 unit 5顶尖复习教案
unit 5 the power of nature 大自然的力量
1.she was hit on the head by a stone and knocked ____________(无意识的)
2.my time is ____________(珍贵的);i can only give you a few minutes.
3.when he came out of the water,he was____________(颤抖)with cold.
4. she got into a ____________(惊慌)when she found she had lost her necklace.
5.interest is the best teacher,and a lack of interest is a ____________(保证)of failure.
6.a number of ____________(可能的) buyers have expressed interest in the company and placed orders for some of its products.
7.the big island is home to one of the most active volcanoes in the world.it has ____________(爆发)a total of 40 times since 1924.
8.tom made a big___________in his business,but___________,he went bankrupt because of his careless investment.(unfo 阅读全文
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