
高三英语M6 U3(Word Power / Grammar / project)专项复习教案

m6 u3(word power / grammar / project)
i. fill in the blanks with the proper colour idioms given below:
   green with envy;    in the black;     white as a sheet;
tickled pink;        feeling blue;    in the red  
1. alice was ___________________ because she got a really good job for summer.
2. i have been _________________ kind of ____________ all these days because i failed in
  the driving test.
3. hearing the disturbing news, he went ___________________ and backed off immediately.
4. james made everybody else _________________ when he showed off his enormous talents.
5. i don’t think kate is that poor. as a matter of fact, her account is _____________________.
6. this is the comp

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