
Unit 13 The mystery of the Moonstone

unit 13 the mystery of the moonstone
i. 单元教学目标
技能目标skill goals
▲talk about the mystery
▲read a detective story
▲practise giving advice
▲integrative language practice
▲write an informal or a formal letter
ii. 目标语言

功  能  句  式 giving some advice and making some suggestions:
you’d better (not) do ...
you may/can do ...
you should/ought to do ...
you needn’t/don’t have to do ...
i suggest/advise (that) you (should) do ...
i advise you (not) to do ... i suggest (you) doing ...
let’s do ... (, shall we?)
why don’t you/not do ... ?
what about doing ... ?
how about doing ... ?

汇 1. 四会词汇
reception, considerate, cigar, splendid, astonish, coincidence, tension, elegant, bachelor, prescription, drawer, theft, religious, stubborn, enquiry, assistance, vital, g

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