
A good idea

1. greeting.

 let’s review the words we have learned. please look at the picturesand say the words.

2. t: what can yousee?

how many fuwas can yousee?

what are theirnames?

3. t: this is beibei. i likebeibei.(板书like,l-i-k-e,like)

do you likebeibei? 引导学生回答:yes, i do./no, idon’t.

 t: please ask and answer one by one.

4. t: beibei and the otherfuwas are good at sports. please look, beibei likesswimming.


 t: well, beibei likes swimming. let’s ask jingjing, does he likeswimming? (点击晶晶)

 students ask: jingjing, do you like swimming?

 点击晶晶回答:no, i don’t.

 t: what do you like?(出示问题及答句)

5. 点击beijing图案,回到主页

t: now, we know beibei likesswimming, jingjing likes skiing. how about huanhuan, yingying andnini?(点击迎迎,出现3个福娃)

 s: **, what do you like? 点击福娃:huanhuan: i

三年级上册Happy birthday学案
Unit 6 at the zoo (4)