
3B UNIT 10

3b   unit10     do you play…?(1)一 教学目标:
1 能听懂、会说球类单词:a basketball 、a football 、a baseball 、a volleyball
2 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 do you play…? yes ,i do. / no ,i don`t. what do you play ? i play … let’s go and play… . great! let’s go.
二 重点及难点:
1 单词的重音读准 2 会熟练问答两种句型
step 1 warming upsing a song  <good morning>step 2 free talkt: boys and girls, look at my picture, there are 5 circles in the olympic flag. what colour can you see?s: i can see blue, black, red, yellow and green.t: yes, this is the sign of the olympic games. who can tell me where is the next olympic games will be hold in XX?s: beijing.t: yes, peiking. so, we can watch some wonderful games.step 3 presentationi like watching games. i like sports(预先教), do you like sports?s: yes, 阅读全文
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