
Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs.

unit 2 the apples are falling down the stairs.
teaching objectives:
knowledge aim:
1、 words: stairs, mess.
2、 sentences: the apples are falling down the stairs. can he help? yes, he can. / no, he can’t.
3、 poem: what’s he doing?
ability aim:运用英语交流与合作的能力.
moral aim:积极参与学习,同学之间互相关心,互相帮助.
teaching tools: tape recorder, pictures.
teaching procedures:
一、 warmer
1、 greetings
2、 act out the dialogue of unit1.
3、 say a chant.
二、 leading
t: wonderful! today we’ll learn modal “can”. i can speak english. can you speak it?
ss: yes, i can. / no, i can’t. (领读)
t: greet! today we'll learn “unit2”(板书)
三、 text teaching
1、 t: show the pictures on the blackboard. play the tape. have students look and listen.
2、 ss: underline the new words. try to read.
3、 t: explain th 阅读全文
新标准四年级第四册module9 unit1Module9 Unit1 I helped Mum导学案
PEP第三册Unit6 PB Let’s learn 教学设计