
4B Unit 8 Open Day 第2课时

一、教学内容:4b第八单元part b&c1、词汇:a bookcase, a music room, an office, a playground.2、句型:what’s in…?there’s a / there’re some….二、教学重点:1熟练运用单词:a bookcase, a music room, an office, a playground.2能听懂、会说、会读、会写型:what’s in…?there’s a /there’re some….三、教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读、会写型:what’s in…?there’s a /there’re some….五、课前准备:本课的单词图片及课件六、教学过程:stepⅰ: sing a song(约两分钟)师生共同轻声哼唱歌曲in the classroom ,让学生了解歌词大意。stepⅱ:review 1.教师利用单词卡片复习一下第六单元的地点类名词, an airport, a library, a theatre, a supermarket, a station, hospital, 为学习本课的单词作铺垫。2. free talk:t: hi,  … nice to meet you.ss: nice to meet you, miss huang.t: oh, what’s this in english?(教师指着黑板)ss: it’s a blackboard.(教师利用教室里的帮物品,帮助学生再次熟悉物品的名称a picture, a chair, a desk .)stepⅲ:presentation and practicet: what’s that in english?(教师指着远处用布盖着的电脑)ss: it’s a computer.t: is tha 阅读全文
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