
Lesson 9:Let’s Look at a Map!

lesson 9:let’s look at a map!
teaching aims(教学目标):
a. teaching aims about knowledge(知识目标):
    after this lesson, students should do their utmost to know knowledge as follows:
mastery words
map country north south east west and different names of the world wild countries
  b.teaching aims about ability(能力目标):
  raise students’ interests in english, they should point the right country on the map and remember the words about direction
c.teaching aims about motion and value(情感态度、价值观目标):
  the importance of team-work
teaching content(教学内容): p18-19
teaching schedule(课时安排): one
teaching preparation(教学准备):
audiotape, powerpoint
teaching important points(教学重点):
map country north south east west and different names of the world wild countries
teaching difficult points(教学难点)
the impor

pep小学英语第六册 第三单元 第一课时
牛津5A M1 Unit 2 This is what I want教案