
Unit9 What can I do教案

unit 9 what can i do?
period 1
teaching objectives:
1. listen and say new words: bus fare, notice. understand the words: catch, left;
2. use the sentence “ what can…do?”
3. listen , understand and say the text.
key points:
master 4-skill words.
difficult points:
   retell the text.
teaching preparation:
pictures, computer, word cards , tape
teaching methods:
direct method, games, audio-lingual method.
teaching steps:
step 1 warming up
1. greetings.
2.  ing a song
3.  ay a rhyme
step 2 presentation and drill
1. show a picture
 t: who are they?
 ss: they’re lingling and anne.
 t: where are they?
 ss: they’re outside the school.
teach the word: notice
2. write and teach the words bus fare, catch, enough, both, left and a sentence “ what can…do”
3. listen

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